TRUE 30 Day Yoga Challenge Review

To start off the year right, Adriene Mishler, a Youtuber with 3M followers, released a life changing yoga series, life changing for me anyway. There is 30 classes in 30 days and the goal is to do one class each day. If you miss a class, you would double up the following day. Some people like to take a different approach and stick to one flow a day and if they were to miss one, they’d add a day on to the challenge length, stretching it out. I have tried this method before, and it’s a great way to start, but I really wanted to challenge myself with sticking to the 30/30. I have heard how amazing the transformation has been for others and I wanted to try it myself.

Series Includes:

  • 30 yoga classes varying from 17-36 mins in length, one for each day of the month
  • Theme for each day and a corresponding email to describe the focus of that day and introduces vocabulary to help deepen our practice
  • Overview calendar with the daily focus word and video lengths for easy planning
  • All this for FREE!!


When I thought I would feel pressure, and expectations on myself to do yoga everyday I instead just felt encouraged by Adriene, and wanted to be there! She does an excellent job at reminding you to just show up. Bring yourself to the mat knowing you don’t necessarily have to do the work, you just have to show up and the rest will come. There were a few days I absolutely did not want to do yoga but I stepped onto the mat anyway, stayed in child’s pose and after a few minutes found myself wanting to join along. I also knew that she wouldn’t put me through anything too crazy, because if she had a more strenuous class one day, the next couple would be relaxing and slower paced to recover. This made it easy for me to keep coming back, knowing she structured it very mindfully.

What you can expect: 

  • Varying styles of flows, and a different energy to each class for a nice variation
  • No pressure from Adriene, she simply wants you to show up on your mat, the rest will come
  • Support from others doing the challenge through social media #ywatrue #ywa
  • Authentic and quirky teacher, bringing a lightness to the class that allows it to not be so serious, and therefore more enjoyable
  • Beginner friendly, but still valuable for more advanced yogis

In other yoga programs before, I have felt a sense of competition and often an intimidation factor that goes along with the yogi community, however I felt none of that throughout the True challenge. Instead I gained a deeper understanding of not only myself, but some key principles of yoga that allowed for multiple breakthroughs in poses I could never hold before. It wasn’t just the poses or the physical progress however, it was discovering the mental state it takes to get into some of the poses, and balance that comes from within. Adreine does a great job at making us aware of our bodies and providing helpful queues to make adjustments in our alignment for good form.

As far as the actual results go from the challenge, I can safely say it was worth doing! I not only gained strength and flexibility, but also noticed a huge increase in my balance and grace. Poses I’d previously wobble and have to readjust, began to smooth out and I was able to move with ease and balance throughout the whole pose.  In tree pose I was able to lift my foot from my calf, up to my inner thigh, and the biggest miracle of them all – I somehow managed to touch my heels to the mat in downward dog! I also became more comfortable with the vocabulary and the order of some flows which made the process more enjoyable and ultimately gave me confidence! My core and arms are stronger, my legs are leaner and head is clearer. Doing this challenge has solidified my love for yoga and reminded me of all its great benefits – for the mind, body and soul!


  • Flexibility & balance improvement, advanced in poses
  • Stronger & leaner
  • Mental clarity & meditation practice
  • Renew/find a love for yoga

This has just been my experience, but I highly recommend for anyone who is remotely interested in yoga, or perhaps has been curious about a 30 day challenge, to jump on this amazing FREE challenge and try it for themselves. If you have never done yoga or even stretched in your life, it is still a great beginners guide to yoga and very manageable! I hope you enjoy the True 30 Day yoga challenge as much as I did, and I’d love to hear from you if you did!

Namaste Betches




I am in no way affiliated with the challenge, but believe so strongly in the power of yoga and meditation that I hope everyone gets the opportunity to try something like this.


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